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QHS Supporting World Cancer Day

Why is QHS supporting World Cancer Day? Put simply because this dreadful disease pays no respect to persons, religions, politics, health, sexual orientation, culture or international boundaries and kills over 10 million people Worldwide every year, with the number predicted by experts to rise to 13 million a year by 2030 unless drastic action to avoid this and continuous development, education and investment happen soon.

According to www.worldcancerday.org "more than one third of cancer cases can be prevented. Another third can be cured if detected early and treated properly. By implementing resource-appropriate strategies on prevention, early detection and treatment, we can save millions of lives every year."


Today, we know more about cancer than ever before. Through investing in research and innovation, we have witnessed extraordinary breakthroughs in medicine, diagnostics, and scientific knowledge. The more we know, the more progress we can make in reducing risk factors, increasing prevention and improving cancer diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and care.


In recent years, the United Nations, the World Health Organisation and other UN agencies have recognised the urgent need for a global commitment. When leaders speak up and take action we give ourselves a chance to make history and to move towards a world without cancer.


Today, more than half (65%) of cancer deaths are happening in the least developed parts of the world. Even if you live in a higher income country, inequities still exist among lower-income, indigenous, immigrant, refugee and rural communities. Equitable access to cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care can save lives.


Through raising the public and political literacy and understanding around cancer, World Cancer Day is an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to reduce fear, increase understanding, dispel myths and misconceptions, and change behaviours and attitudes.

QHS therefore fully supports the aims and objectives of World Cancer Day given the dramatic affect on its customers, employees, suppliers and clients lives.


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